What a blessing she is!! I was checking my calender for last minute travel things, and I realized that today is our 18 month anniversary with Mia!
I really could go on for hours about how wonderful she is, how funny, smart and loving she is. She is truly our Angel baby.
She has come so far in this time. When we first met, she was so scared, so quiet and just trying to understand what was going on. Those eyes just searched for something familiar, and when it wasn't found, she would put her thumb into her mouth and hide her face. But day by day she came to know and trust us. Fears faded, smiles came and she turned out to be a MAJOR snuggle bunny. Today, Mia is a happy,healthy, wild and wonderful toddler.
She loves to ride her bike, jump on the trampoline, swim, swing,and shop for shoes (:
I think Mike summed it up best a few months ago. We were just hanging out, and he asked, what did we do before Mia? We were really missing something.
Happy 18 months peanut, we love you more then life.
I couldn't resist leaving a comment and expressing my excitement and joy for the family as you prepare for Logan. What a gift for all of you invovled! Oh,, and who are those grown-ups in the pictures?!? Just kidding. Michael and Olivia- you are growing up! It makes me smile as I remember our times together in 3rd grade. Good times! Congratulations on finishing another year of school. I too survived! I moved into 2nd grade this past year and just yesterday finished moving my classroom back into 3rd grade again. Believe it or not, I will be starting a pilot program for the county in the fall to determine the effectiveness of individual laptops for the students. My class will be the one and only class in the county to try this. We shall see. Have a safe and fantastic trip!
Hi Taylor Family,
This is Staci, Sarah Lu's big sister from your travel group. I cannot believe how big Mia is looking!! What a beautiful girl!! Congratulations on 18 month gotcha (can you believe it has been that long?)! I am so excited to follow the rest of your journey to Logan!! We too are adopting again, Chayah will be 6 in July! :) Congratulations!!!!
I love you all.
Mia is just an absolute doll-baby. It is hard to believe it has been 18 months and yet it seems like they have always been with us. In just a few short months, you will be saying, "What did we do before we had Mia and Logan?" You are so close now. I can hardly contain myself so I don't know how you guys are managing!
What in the world DID we ever do before Miss Mia came onto the scene?? She sure has been a bright spot in my life, and that is just tiny little splashes compared to the massive wave she is in yours! She is a ray of sunshine and so full of spunk! Thank you for sharing her with us, and we are VERY EXCITED to be meeting the new little guy.
It has only been 10 hours since you left and I am dying to hear how things are going... I will wait, I guess.
Hope your travels were uneventful!
Oh my goodness, gotcha day is right around the corner now! We're waiting in anticipation along with you. Can't wait till you post the first pictures of Logan and his family!
We love you all!
Happy 18 months, Mia! You have grown so much in just a year and a half. Hopefully we'll get to see you again soon! :) We love you and can't wait to see pictures of you with your new big brother, Logan!
The H's
Bill, Pam, Drew, Will, Emily, AnnaClaire, and Kate!
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