Sunday, June 22, 2008

5 days left!!!


I just realized that we have 5 days left until we fly home!

We are enjoying our time here, and our travel group is really nice, but we are ready to come home.

It is awesome to travel over here, and be in the culture, but my brain is dying to hear and see what it is used to. At least we are getting a good idea of what life will be like for Logan when we get home.

And speaking of little man.....what a water bug! We spent two hours swimming this afternoon, and I don't think he got out of the pool once. Both little ones are exhausted, so we gave them and early dinner tonight. It isn't even 7 yet, and Mia is out cold.

We did some more sightseeing today. Went to the Chan family heritage house, pretty interesting, then to a tea house. That was a different experience. We sat at tiny tables and drank tiny cups of Chinese tea. Not to be rude, but we were thankful that they were tiny cups!!! Tasted pretty much like grass,really!

After lunch we hit the pool. Things are going well with the rest of the family, but that Logan and I aren't bonding well. He wants very little to do with me as the days go on. Yesterday did not go well, and I took it personally. It looks like I have some work ahead of me. For now, I am hanging back and letting Bart handle him unless he specifically asks for me. It happens a few times a day, so I'll just go with that. There is another family here who adopted a 6 year old boy also, and they are having an even tougher time with him. All of the girls seem to be doing really well, who knows?

But, he is a keeper. He is very sweet, not aggressive or physical. He is starting to take on his role of big brother too. He was hovering over Mia in the pool, trying to pull her back to the steps. And I'm sure you can guess how that went over! Looks I''ll be working on attachment stuff when we get home. Plus, there is always good old duct tape. I've heard it is the rage in the RAD therapy circles. (:

Am off to get ready for bed, I have an appointment at the American Consulate tomorrow morning to fix a misspelling in Logan's Visa paperwork. Guess whiteout isn't an option, I get to redo a bunch of papers.

Hope all is going great at home. Here are some pictures of our orphanage visit, zoo and other crazy things.



Anonymous said...

Hang in there, Claire! You are near the end! Awesome pictures. Love Mike and the snake. Better him than me! I bet you've made a lot of families happy with your orphanage photos. Hopefully some were able to get a peek of their little ones. I love your honesty and will continue to pray. Attachment will come. I know it will.


Cheryl said...

Working with the bonding issue the other way will be a bit different but it'll all be just fine. The fact that Mia was so connected to you when she came home didn't lessen her attachment to her daddy, so I don't expect it to be any different for Logan. Every bonding scenerio is different, I can tell you that from personal experience. In the photos he already seems so content and at home to me it is just marvelous!!!!

See you on July 1st!


Me said...

Just hang in there sweetie- it will be fine. Remember that he had 3 nannies, so he isn't eager to 'replace' them just yet. But once you get him home, and his momma source is you alone, it will all fall together. If he is bonding with Bart, Michael and Mia, then your RAD is probably minimal. He just needs to realize that you are momma- and that will happen soon. And when it does- watch out! We are all ready to support you and do what it takes. I am ready for you to come home too! It will be okay. I am sure of it. Just don't take it personally, he doesn't mean it personally. He just needs to work into it. And it may be a bit slower than you hoped, but like you said he is a keeper and very sweet. He will come around!

I love you, and am attached to you :-)

Keri said...

I love most of the pictures, (not the snake one, I could have used a warning at the heading!). The kids all look great! I wonder what Logan will think when he sees the ocean if he likes the pool so much! The bonding will come. You are a great mom!!!!


Dawn said...

Hi Claire!
We can't wait to have you home either, back to full time chatting. I loved alllll the pictures, thank you so much!!!
His orphanage looks very nice...
Praying for your attachment to come quickly.
Enjoy your last few days.