Monday, June 23, 2008

Amazing day!!!


We just finished a very busy day of site seeing, shopping and a travel group dinner.

Everyone is in bed, and I am headed there soon. But I had to sit down and post about how AWESOME God is. We have been praying, and I know so have many of you, that Logan can feel our love and feel that we are his forever family. I think today was the beginning of an answer to those prayers.

I woke up and just felt like today was a new day, everything just felt right. I headed off to correct some paperwork at the American Consulate, and had to actually have Bart come and get Logan so I could go. He followed me out of the door! I know this sounds silly, but it is huge.

After I got back, we went for lunch then on a group outing. There was some hand holding, a few hugs and lots of smiles.

Towards the end of our group shopping trip, God put these 2 angels in our path. We were walking past a small shop, and Logan began talking with the two shop ladies there. He usually says hi and a few other things, then keeps going. But this time he was having what looked like a deeper conversation. I headed over, and couldn't imagine what the next 1/2 hour would hold.

The shop owners in this part of town speak excellent English, so one of the women began to tell me what they were talking about. She said that she asked him his name, where he was from and other questions.

Well, it seems that it was never really explained to him that we were his mom and dad. That he was a part of our family, our son. She said that since he grew up in an orphanage, he knew the names for mom and dad, but really had no idea what they meant. That he was ours and we were his. He thought we were just watching him and we lived in a hotel.

She spent a long time explaining all of this to him. She then told him, as we told her, all about his new home, his room, his dogs and that he would be leaving China in 5 days to go and live as a family. He was very quiet while she talked, but smiled a few times.

I am in tears by now, and Bart is just firing away with things we would like for the lady to talk with him about.

Logan was also asking questions. He was most concerned with why we were calling him Logan. So we listened as she told him that we knew his real name, but that when you go to America, your parents give you an American name. We asked if he wanted us to use his Chinese name Li Ghu, instead, and he said no...he liked Logan, just didn't know where it came from.

She then talked with him for a few more minutes, and then told us that she had asked him if he liked us and wanted to stay with us or the orphanage. She said that he said he wanted to be with us and did not want to go back to the orphanage.

We asked if he had any other questions, and he asked about his room again, and the dogs. He also asked the lady to ask if we could buy some ice cream. He likes eating ice cream with us.

After some of the most heart felt thank yous I have ever had, we headed next door to the 7-11 and got whatever ice cream Logan wanted. One of the other families was there, and had heard most of the conversation. They were choked up also.

I know that most of you are wondering why no one really explained to Logan what was going on and who we were. We asked our guide many times if he really knew what was happening, if she could talk with him and ask if he had any questions, what did he want us to call him.... and after some hesitation.... she would say a few things to him then tell us that he was fine. Our mommy/daddy radar was right, he wasn't understanding what was going on.

I'm not saying that this has now turned mine and Logan's relationship into a fairy tale mother-son thing, but he does seem more open to me tonight.

We spent awhile before bed looking at pictures on the computer of things at home. He loved seeing his room and would pet the screen when Oscar and Gabby's pictures came up. He was really excited about his bike too.

Just awesome. Thank you God. He is a precious little boy who has some healing to do, but he is ours. And hopefully after today, he understands that a little better.

Hope all is well at home. We miss ya'll, but all is good here.




Keri said...

I am in tears! What an amazing story and what a blessing that God put these two ladies in your path. God bless little Logan's heart. He has had some confusing days. May he truly start to heal now.


Anonymous said...

I am in tears also. How confused this precious boy must have been. Thank you God for this breakthrough. Thank you for Logan and for his dear family. Thank you God for these ladies who took the time to explain things to him. What a blessing.


2 China 4 Addison said...

Wow, Claire, you've left us all in tears this morning. Thanks so much for this update. What a gift that these women were able to explain everything to Logan, poor little guy. I pray that this is the start of some healing in his little heart, and that you are able to bond completely with this new understanding.
love you all lots!

Me said...

Oh Claire-

Tissue alert needed! Cheryl was reading it to me over the phone because I was in the car and she knew I wouldn't want to wait. So I ran to the office so I could connect and leave you a note. I am in awe, first and foremost of how God put these two ladies in your path. And I am in awe (in a not so positive way) that the guide didn't tell Logan!! Did she not think it would help him?? So today is day one of bonding- you go girl!!! What an amazing little boy, to be so calm in the midst of such confusion. He sounds like such a trooper- and your family is perfect for him. What a God thing!!!

I am so happy- so thrilled. Now, we need to find someone here to translate for you once he gets here. That way, you and he won't have to suffer at the hands of miscommunication again.

What a great entry into our journey. I am thrilled, and just beaming from the inside.

Yeah! Wendi

Cheryl said...

LOVE IT!!!!! See you just never know who God is going to bring into your life and for what purpose. I am glad he has the knowledge that will bring him peace. I can't even imagine what he would have thought once you took him to the airport and all. I wonder how long it will take him to change his mind about petting Gabby :) :) :) I will be on vacation when you get home, but I'd love for you to call me on the cell once your back and settled in a little.

Love ya'll

Cheryl & Gang

PS Morgan says to tell Livy HI!!

Dawn said...

Oh my hairs are standing up ALLLL over!!! Tears of joy are filling up my eyes, and I couldn't be more happy to read what I am reading!!!!! God is SOOO GOOD and faithful!!!! I know that the few days of struggle make it all the more sweet now for you. Claire, I couldn't be more relieved or happier for you all. Give Logan big hugs from us and just wait til he finds out how many truly already love him!!! ;-)
Sleep well and sweet dreams, but how could they not be now. I will still be praying for Logan's heart to continue to open to you all.
Love and hugs,

Katy said...

Claire, I am teared up along with the rest! I am so thankful that God sent the ladies in your path and how much communication you were able to do through them. GOD is so good! Love, Katy

Anonymous said...

I am one of Wendi K's friends and have adopted. God blessed you today and I am so happy for your family!! Keep hugging Logan and keeping him close and looking into those beautiful eyes! Do all the things you would do with an infant - just adjust them to his age - you can figure out how to do it! I am so sorry that they didn't tell him. No wonder he was confused. Keep looking to God and he will show you the path to create a bond with your son!

Unknown said...

Hi Honey! I am thanking God right now for those women who provided this miracle for you. What a gift they gave you and Logan and how grateful I am that the questions that this precious little boy had filling his mind have now been clarified by these "angels" I pray that your remaining 5 days will be filled with bonding and opportunities to pour out your love on Logan and that the healing balm of our God will now have the ability to soothe his hurting heart. I love you and can't wait for you to be home.



Anonymous said...

What an amazing gift! I also have tears reading your post. I will continue to pray for little Logan's heart and for understanding as you complete your trip in China and he arrives in his new home. Praying for all of you and looking forward to reading more.
Love to you all,

Anonymous said...

Bart and Clair,
This really pulls at those heart strings,as like everyone else, I just assumed he knew these things. What a blessing to have these women be there for both you and Logan! I am so happy that Logan can now enjoy the time with you there and know what's going on!

My neighbor is from China and has been here for about 3 years now. She is very sweet and knows English very well now! Keep that in mind once you get home. Logan may have some questions or words of excitement to share with you and maybe she can help with the communication!

Love to all of you.
