Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Stir crazy

Hey ya'll!

It has poured rain all day. We did get out for lunch and some shoe shopping. But had to come back when it really picked up.

One of the moms in our travel group found a store that has nice name brand tennis shoes for a great deal. We took little man, and his little feet and bought two pairs. He loved picking them out.

Mia got a pair of those annoying, I mean adorable squeaky shoes. I thought we would make it through the trip without buying any....silly me.

Thank God we have our consulate appointment tomorrow, we are ready to come home. It has been a fantastic trip, but two weeks in just one city is a little too long. It is beautiful here, but hard to be in a place where your brain doesn't understand anything it sees or hears for an extended amount of time. Like I said before, it has given me an excellent idea of what is to come for Logan. It can be pretty intense.

Hope all is well, we are stir crazy..but doing great. Every day we settle in as a family of 6 more and more. Mia and Logan are acting like they have been together forever. The love-hate relationship is in full swing. They are learning how to push each others buttons, and really enjoying it. I think I might need a good pair of ear plugs when I get home.

Love ya'll,


Me said...

Ahhh.. the sweet sounds of siblings :-) I have a pair of earplugs for you!

You know, I never thought of it that way. That your being in HIS city for 2 weeks kind of shows you what it will be like for him when he comes to America. On your last trip you bounced around so much, but this time you are getting a better sense of what is to come for Logan. Is he a shoe kid too?? What size- I think I have some here for him :-)

Give all the kids hugs from us- we miss you like mad!

Love, Wendi

Anonymous said...

Sorry about the stir-craziness setting in. I can imagine being in one place would get rather long. I'm sure all the rain you're having isn't helping either. The good news is you just have 1 more day!!!!

When I look at the pictures of you as a family and also of the 4 children together, it just looks like you've always been together. Everyone just seems to "go" together. Not sure if that makes sense, it's hard to explain what I mean. Anywhoo.... can't wait 'til you're back on American soil! Not much longer now.


Dawn said...

So wonderful to see things progressing in a positive way!!! Yeah!!! You will be home before you know it.
Praying for a wonderful last few days and that all goes well on the final paperwork and the trip home.
Love and hugs,