Saturday, June 14, 2008

We are here!

Good morning from Guangzhou!

What a wild 28 hours, a total blur now, but we are here and doing great. Got in very late,@ 1am here. Grabbed a bite,showered and went to bed.

The flights were long, but everyone did really well. Even me!!! I didn't beg to be pushed out over the Pacific Ocean this time. Mia did great, just a little scared when we hit some serious turbulence for awhile on the way to Tokyo.

Mike got to spend a few moments in Japan, got the shirt to prove it, but no Japanese cars to be seen from the airport.

When we went through customs in China, Mia looked at the officer and then at me, and asked," Is that Logan!?" He did resemble him a little, it was pretty funny.

Ok, tomorrow is the BIG DAY!!! We will have gotcha day Monday afternoon at the Civil Affairs office. Our guide told us that Logan knows we are coming and what is going on. She said that they prepare the older children pretty well. Today is the last day without him,WAHOO!!!!!!!!

So, today we are going to head out and do some exploring, buy some munchies for the room and xerox some last minute paper work for tomorrow.

Hope all is well back home. We will post some photos when we find the transfer cable.(:

Love ya'll,

Claire and crew


Unknown said...

Hey Lady! It is so hard to believe that you are in China and that you are hours from seeing Logan for the first time. My thoughts have been of you and your little man all week. We just arrived home from our vacation and I popped onto your blog first thing after I walked in the door. Know that my prayers are with you my sweet friend. I pray that the Lord orchestrates a smooth and glorious meeting and that Mia will receive her new brother with an open heart. I am excited for you and can't wait to see God complete his work in bringing you to Logan. I LOVE YOU!!! Love and Hugs to you, Bart and the kids.


Keri said...

So glad you made it and you didn't swim in the Pacific! Was it just Mia that got nervous with the turbulence? Chase will be jealous about Mike getting to see even a small part of Japan. Can't wait until we get to see pix of Logan! Just a few more hours!


Amy Jo said...

I'm missing Chatty Claire already! Congrats Taylor Fam on making it to Guanghzou and so close to being able to officially claim your boy! Can't WAIT to see Logan with his family!!! God is so good. Keep us posted on how you are doing and if you have any prayer requests. I was praying for Miss Mia today, esp. that God will guard her heart when needed and give her insight when she needs it. Love you lots!!! Amy

Cheryl said...

How exciting! I was glad to hear that they prepare the older ones well. Just to think that he is as excited and nervous as you are while HE is waiting to meet his MAMA, DADDY, big brother and not one but two sisters! His little life is about to change in such amazingly wonderful ways it is exciting to just think about! Try to sleep tonight. We will be praying that when God has you set eyes on each other that all his
fears will be removed and that he will know peace. We love you all. Post pictures as soon as you can!

Anonymous said...

How exciting to be back in China! Glad you all survived the long flight. Rest well tonight as the day is tomorrow!
We are all anxious to see Logan with his new family so post pictures as soon as you can. Miss your chatting but so happy to be following this journey.
Love and many hugs to all of you,

Dawn said...

Claire, I am just beside myself that tomorrow is your gotcha day!!! Can't Wait can't wait to see pics of the little darling...
I am sure he is so excited to meet his forever family. I know you all will make him feel very loved and welcomed right from the start. You are all so blessed and we will continue to pray for you all. Try to get some sleep and I look forward to waking up to some new posts with pictures.
We love you all,

Me said...

YEAH!! I am SO EXCITED!! It thrills me to no end that they have told him about you, so he knows to look forward to meeting you. How exciting. He is getting a new momma, daddy and siblings in just a few hours. What more could a child want. I cannot wait to hear all about it.

I am glad you got there safe and sound. It sounds like a crazy ride- but you handle it so well. I have been thinking of you constantly since you left, and can't wait to see the first picture of your whole family of SIX. God has blessed you in so many ways, and he is about to bless you again. The magnitude of this is so overwhelming when you stop to think.

Alrighty then, I will be sitting right here waiting until you update. I have a drink and a snack- I can wait this out.

Love you all!

Me said...

Yep, still waiting... running out of snacks though.

Praying that your first time with your new son is beautiful. Too beautiful for words. I pray it is smooth, and easy. Praying he sees that love in your eyes from moment one.

I can't even imagine how exciting this is for you.

Anonymous said...

Taylor family, we are anxiously awaiting seeing Logan in your arms! It was a year ago that we brought his buddy Miller (Bai Shao Jie...pronounced Baa Sue Key) home. What an amazing gift these children are. Happy Day!! The Rohrs

Cheryl said...

Okay so it should be about 8:00am in China, do you think ya'll can get out of bed, since I know you didn't sleep anyway :) and just head over there to pick up your son! We here are wanting to see photos and hear all about your little man!!!! Oh, so exciting and just so close....We're praying for all of you.


Cheryl & gang

Anonymous said...

Claire,So excited...It's Sunday night here and you are so close. Will be eager to hear when Logan is in your arms. Praying for everyone.

Me said...

I agree with Cheryl! This is so exciting I can't contain myself.

I guess I will go buy something on ebay while I wait... I already ate all the food in my house. I guess I will move from emotional eating to emotional shopping!