Thursday, June 26, 2008

Hasta la vista, baby!

Due to popular demand (I assume), I have decided to post on said "blog". Tonight we ate a hearty meal of rice, noodles, orange chicken, and second-hand smoke from the table next to us. This was a relief to our stomachs, because it wasn't McDonald's or that other place.

We fly out tomorrow morning at around 8:20, and so, for customs, we have to wake up at 4:30. Ok, heres one- we fly out Friday morning at 8:20, fly for a total of 30 hours, then land in Orlando Friday evening. Yes, it's creepy. I don't know if it's devine intervention, aliens, wormholes, alien wormholes, or magic. I haven't put my finger on it yet (I'm open to suggestions).

Today we went to a "Consulate" appointment, where we sat for an hour and a half, got our photos checked, and raised our right hand and took an oath that "All of the information was correct and we have not lied to the government of the United States." Then we came back to the hotel. My mom took me shopping and I found some ballin' Nike's for $20 (who knew I wore a size 44?). Then we went to a Asian restaurant for dinner (see paragraph 1).

So that's about it. That's my "blog" post.

Signing off from Guangzhou, China for one last time. (...or is it?) [CLIFF HANGER!!]
-Mike and the rest of the fam.

PS- My mom wants you all to know that Logan gave her a kiss. Finally.


Unknown said...


I am lovin your post. I hope that you guys have a safe and pleasent trip home. Tell your mom that I am so happy for her kiss. See you in FLORIDA!


Dawn said...

YEA, you are on your way home. Praying for safe and timely flights and that you don't miss any of those flights!! ;-)
Look forward to updates from home as well.
Thanks for posting Mike. I am sure you are being a great brother.
SO excited you got kisses Claire!!

Anonymous said...

That was one very sweet kiss, I'm sure!!!! Thanks for filling us in, Mike.

Happy Travels~

Me said...

Good to hear from you Mike! (you are still Michael to me...)

Ahhh.. the first kiss...

Have a safe flight!