Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Good Morning! Quick update

Ok, day 4 of rain......and we just realized that there is major flooding along the Yellow River.

News doesn't travel fast when you can't speak the language! Just wanted to let ya'll know that we are fine in the city. And our guide said that the orphanage is fine too. (We will be going there on Thursday or Friday.)

We have a slow day today, no appointments until 3pm. We will head out and explore as soon as Logan is done folding his clothes. Seriously, he took everything out of his drawer, and is refolding it all. I'll post pictures later.

Well, looks like we will be here for awhile, he just opened Livy's drawer. If he gets to Michael's....will never get out of here.(:

He is doing really well this am. We spent some time coloring and smelling each other's feet. He is taken by Livy's hair and braces.

Hope all is well!



Cheryl said...

I was hoping you'd drop another note this morning, thanks. Glad he is just settling in so nicely, God is good, isn't he? You all have a wonderful day today. I was just thinking we won't be here when ya'll come back. We leave on the 26th and I don't think you're back until the 27th :(


Katy said...

Sounds like you all are doing great. I just keep looking at the pictures of Logan, he is just too cute! I don't think you have said, but how is Logan's communication and English? I'm sure you guys are figuring each other out somehow! Lots of love, The Kellys

Anonymous said...

More pics, P L E A S E!!! :-) I'm cracking up about his needing to refold things...Sara has a similar need to put things in their place correctly. If she hears me drop a piece of ice when I'm getting water from the fridge, she comes RUNNING to pick it up for me. Sounds like you two will have fun with your Spring cleaning missions! Hugs, Chatty Amy

Dawn said...

Good morning, or evening for you I guess.
Can't wait to see pictures of your day today. Glad it was slower. Those are the best!! I love how organized he is. He may need to come teach Beks when she gets a little older! ;-)
Praying the Lord continues to bless your trip and that your bonding gets stronger and stronger.
love and hugs,

Me said...

Get him here QUICK!! I have all kinds of drawers that could use the attention, and since he enjoys it so much, he would have fun! LOL.

I need more pics... not want, NEED. I am so thankful it is going so well. I know he can feel the love in your family. And smelling each others feet- hmmm, new adoption tradition??? I will need to remember this!d

We have identified 4 kids in the system that are TPR'd and ready to go. And guess what? Two of them are SIX! I am working on it, working on it hard!

I love you and miss you! Can't wait to meet the little guy!

Anonymous said...

So exciting to see Logan with you.Rain in Guangzhou.....does it ever stop?!?!? Can't wait to hear about your visit to the orphanage. Thanks for looking up Li Quan Yi while you're there!
The Rohrs

Anonymous said...

Please send Logan to the Horner house. We have lots of drawers that need organizing! I'm with Amy~ more pictures please!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Wow, seems like Logan is going to be a busy little guy when he gets home. I have a bunch of drawers and closets that need organizing as well.
Can't wait to see more pics!


Anonymous said...

Can Logan come up to my house soon...that really is so interesting abou the clothes folding...maybe that was one of his jobs at the orphanage? How is the language thing going?

thanks for all the updates.