Thursday, August 21, 2008

Growing mold!!!


It has been raining since Monday night down here. This has to be the longest tropical storm in history. Everything and everyone is totally water logged. And those poor people along the coast, they are just floating away with all of the flooding.

We are doing our best to avoid getting cabin fever. Heading out whenever there is a break in the weather. And enjoying the chance to stay up late, and over dose on the Olympics.

We weren't ready for school to start yet, so even though we are water logged...we are really thankful for these few extra days to just relax.

The kids are doing great, Logan LOVED his first day of school and is really excited to go back whenever they start school again. He just continues to amaze us with his strength to just go out and embrace all of these new life experiences.

As we settle into our new family dynamics a little more ever day, I can not imagine my life without these kids that God has given us. Not every day is great, some are just a matter of survival, but I wouldn't trade it for anything.


1 comment:

Amy Jo said...

Yay! Thanks for the update...and ya'll are beautiful with or without the mold. ;-) Seriously, hope everyone can get back to school and that you're all able to transition into the new rhythm of the school year with 4 beautiful kiddos! Love ya!