Monday, August 18, 2008

Bitter Sweet Day

I can't believe that our summer vacation is over. It went so fast, too fast.

And, I am having an even harder time believing that our first born went off to high school! It was 6:20 AM, and I am watching Mike walk down the street with his friends to catch the bus. It was surreal.

I can remember when these guys were 5 and 6 years old, and just learning to ride their bikes without training wheels on that same street.

Then, if that wasn't enough for one was time to get Livy and Logan ready to go. Livy is in her second year of middle school, so it wasn't as psychologically damaging to me to have her head off. But I miss her a lot today.

Some how I managed to keep myself together long enough to take Logan to school for his first day of kindergarten in America. As usual, he was sooooooo brave on the outside, but there was that same look of uncertainty in his eyes that I saw when we were on the plane flying back to the states.

It was hard to watch them all head off today. I know they'll be home soon, but it is just another reminder of how fast life is going. And that I need to really do my best to cherish each day we have together as a family. And with that I need to go and snuggle with my baby girl, Mia.


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