Monday, August 11, 2008

Beautiful babies!!

Hey everyone!

Can I just take a moment and brag about how awesome these kids are!

Logan said his first multi-word prayer tonight at dinner. It was all I could do to not get choked up.
It went like this..." Tanks for Mama, Logan, Michael shopping shoes. Tanks for basketball! Ehh Mia, Sissy, Noni lots a ice cream. Ehh, Daddy home."

I had a great day with just my boys. We hit the mall and did some back to school shopping while my mom took the girls out for ice cream and girl time. Logan had a great time shopping for shoes, he would look at all of the shoes on the wall, and say" good girl or good boy." That means boy's or girl's. He feel in love with some black basketball shoes, which lead to buying a new basketball.

Yes, our tiny man loves to shoot hoops. And some how, some way...he actually makes some shots.

My other kiddos are doing their best to enjoy the last week of summer. A few more days of sleeping in then real life starts again. Mike will be off to high school and playing football, Livy will be in 7th and starting Lacrosse soon. Thankfully, I will still have my Mia at home. I'm sure that we will find a way to get into some trouble, I mean stay busy (:



2 China 4 Addison said...

Claire, I love the pictures,and love Logan's prayer.
God is so good!!
Love you guys, too! :)

Dawn said...

They look just great Claire, and I am thrilled that Logan is just taking off her in the US!!! What a gift and blessing, you are right.
Missing you all. Hope to chat soon.