Monday, April 25, 2011

Happy Easter!

Hoping everyone had a wonderful day today celebrating Christ's resurrection.

One of my favorite things about these trips is meeting other adoptive families, and seeing how God has woven families together. Just listening to the stories of how families said yes to God's asking all to adopt, is such a privilege.

Our travel group is made up of 5 families. They are from all over the US and all ages. Only one family is adopting their first and only child, a precious 14 year old deaf boy who was going to age out of the system this summer. Their church has volunteers here in China doing missions work, and the missionaries sent a batch of photos of children that would be aging out soon, and needed to find their families.

So, this couple began praying for this one boy to be adopted. And as time went on, they realized that they were to be his parents. The kicker is that the mom is a sign language interpreter in the public school system where they live! How perfect is that!

The other families are here adopting their second, third, fourth child and also have more bio kids at home. One set of parents has grandchildren the same age as a few of their new ones.

And, there are 3 cleft lip, cleft palate boys!! I got to spend the whole day with them today (:

Our group went to The safari park here in Guangzhou. It was awesome. We took a train ride through the non-predator section and then walked all day looking at pandas, koala bears, lions, white tigers and ended our day with feeding the giraffes.

At one point, Bart made the comment that it felt just like being at the parks at home, except for the fact that it was all of the non asian people taking the pictures! So true!

So, we are in the final days here. Tomorrow we go back to the medical clinic to have the kids TB tests read. Seems Hudson's results are boarder line, so praying his chest X-ray is clear. Not sure what " they" do if not. Even after four trips, there is always something new to spice things up.

Hope all is well. Miss you all!

Claire and crew


Anonymous said...

Eagerly awaiting to your arrival and hearing more about your amazing trip.Praying for all of you and for your long trip.Praying for Hudson especially. Take care--Love, Mom

Sara Alsup said...

Claire & Bart, I'm folling along on your trip and our Tues Bible class has been praying for all of you. We'll pray again tonight for Hudson. May God cover you all with His precious Blood of security and healing. Love, Sara

The Harringtons said...

Isn't that zoo/safari great? We really enjoyed it, as well! Y'all are short-timers there now. Praying for a big fat NEG on Hudson's TB rest! I know the relief you'll feel once that's behind you.

Looking forward to this weekend!!! ;)

Miss y'all!

PP & TT, KK, CC & KP

Me said...

Praying that the chest xray shows up nice and clear :-) Can't wait to see you and meet your new little ones. Just let us know when you are ready, we don't want to overwhelm anyone.

Safe travels my friend!