Saturday, April 23, 2011

In Guangzhou Baby!!!

In the spirit of the adoption blog world, I'm going to keep it real.

To say that we are so glad we are out of Nanjing and in Guangzhou would be a huge understatement. If we had to stay another day, I really think international adoption relations would have taken a hit.

We did do some great touring, and visited the city wall that was built over 600 years ago. And we spent an afternoon walking through a beautiful 4 island park.

But another more day of the stares, glares and comments about Kira would have pushed Livy and I over the edge. We tried so hard to enjoy our time there, and get the most out of visiting, but there comes a time where you just cut your losses and move on.

I completely understand that there are cultural differences in every society. What one values is not what another does. But seriously, this is an 11 year old girl. She did nothing wrong to have been born with her medical issues. And it is by the grace of God that everyone gawking at her, and commenting in judgment, was not born with a physical deformity too.

Unless you count being just plain ugly inside as one.

But, all is well. We arrived in Guangzhou late Friday night, and were greeted by three of the most handsome men I know!

We were not in the room very long before the kids got over their awkwardness and broke out the nerf guns. Honestly, it was like they had known each other for years.

Hudson is a hoot! He is pretty much the same size as Logan, and does not have a shy bone in his body. He is a bit more calm then Logan..... just a bit. Definitely ALL boy. He did let me hug him when ever I wanted to, and I got in a few goodnight smooches. He loves to talk to us like we understand him, then laugh. He also has a new favorite phrase, " Come oooonnnn baby!"

He cracks me up. He is always pulling his shorts up way to high, he looks like an old man. He was stylin' on his way to the park today with his shorts hiked up and his socks pulled up as high as they could go. Logan did the same thing.

After breakfast, we headed out to get the kids medical check outs. I talked with the doctor, via our guide, about how Hudson looked and if his spleen and liver felt enlarged. At first the doctor was like really white lady? Then I told him that we have a 4 year old with Thalassemia, and he relaxed in his attitude a bit. And, seems they are enlarged. Nothing horrible, just not exactly what we wanted to hear.

I am so thankful that he will be home soon, and will be getting some great care from our hematologist.

Kira and Hudson both speak Mandarin, not sure this is a good thing...there was a little head butting going on with them this am at breakfast. I think he crossed the line with some of his teasing/comments.

So Bart took him over to the table of one of our travel group. They have an older boy who was adopted a year ago, and he speaks excellent English and is still fluent in Chinese. After Joshua got the low down on what we think happened, he had a chat with Hudson. Of course Hudson denied saying anything mean, but the huge smile on Kira's face was confirmation of our suspicions.

And this scored major points with Kira. She is on the fast track to being a daddy's girl.

But honestly, things are going amazingly well. It is a bit chaotic and loud at times, but since Bart and I are brain dead's great!

Hope all is well, we do miss everyone very much.




Anonymous said...

Great new blog. Enjoy the rest of your stay. Mom

Dawn said...

I can finally see your blog and comment!!! I have no idea what was going on the first couple posts!! SOOO happy for you all and much love and prayers are being offered up to you all. So glad you are with your men!!!! Can't wait to see them home!!!! ;-)
YAY!!!! WIsh we were there with you.....

Me said...
