Monday, April 18, 2011

Sorry for the Inconvenience

Hey everybody, this is Michael. It has been brought to my attention that when you go to our blog, you do not see a blog, but in fact a rather large brown square. Seeing as this could pose a problem to the ease of use of our beloved blog, I am here to publicly apologize for the inconvenience this unsightly square may have caused you. So if you manage to see this despite said square, you must be a lucky one.



Me said...

I can't see the blog when I just type in the URL. But if I go into my account (google account) and I go to my dashboard, I can see the updates that way. I have to load each update individually, but it's worth it!

Unknown said...

Theresa told me that if you go to internet explorer vs another operating engine that it works fine, that is what both Steve and I had to do and it works great. We used internet explorer vs mozilla.

Anonymous said...

Michael - you're awesome! Congrats on your new job!!! - Amy