Saturday, May 23, 2009

Hangin' out

Hey there!

Hope that everyone has a wonderful Memorial week end. And take a moment to thank those who have served, so that we can be where we are today.

Just hanging on until all of the end of the year activities are over. The kids are more then ready for summer vacation, and to be am I. It has been a great school year. The kids did fantastic, and Logan just blossomed.. he just continues to amaze us with how far he has come in just a year.

FINALLY that feeling of restlessness has past. And now that I look back, I can see that the restlessness was all of my own doing. Trying to go in a direction that I wanted, not what God wanted. One might think I have figured this one out by now!

God has been working to get my attention focused onto a certain area for awhile now, but I have not been willing to really listen. He has sent more then a few burning bushes my way, and I felt the heat.

I have spent a lot of time wrestling with the concept of faith, deeds and pure religion. But James 1:22 just laid it out very clearly. " Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourself. Do what it says."

James 1:27 goes on to talk about what God accepts as pure religion," Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this; to look after the orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."

My own issues were the part of " their distress.." I take this to mean that we are to get in there, where they are...get our hands dirty and pour ourselves into them.

It is time for me to turn my attention to those here at home. We have always been open to adopting more children since Mia and Logan have come home. I just always assumed the next one would be from China also. Notice how many I's there are in my plan?

But God placed a different thought with Bart. He planted the desire to provide foster care to the children around here who need a safe, loving home. And, after some time allowing that leading to penetrate my thick skull... I realized that not all orphans are in China.

So, we are about to embark on a new journey. We are signed up to take the required classes to foster, or foster to adopt. We have no clue where this will take us, but can't wait to find out.


1 comment:

Amy Jo said...

Claire - Thanks for posting all of the pics. Wow. Your kids are really growing up! Mike is so handsome, Livy so beautiful, Logan so full of life and Mia so precious. God is SO good! :-) Looking at their pictures brought happy tears to my eyes. I'm SO happy for the blessings that God has entrusted you with.

And your update. Wow, again! I'm so excited to see what God has next for you and am blessed by your example. I know how uncomfortable it can be to step outside the box...remember, though, my friend, we're simply "getting sane in a crazy world." I'll be praying for you, Bart and your kiddos as you embark on this new adventure. I'm so proud of you and am thankful to be your friend!

BIG hug and lots o'lub,