Monday, September 15, 2008

Happy Birthday sweet boy.

Well, what an awesome day yesterday was.

We were given the tremendous honor of celebrating Logan's 7th birthday with him finally home! It was one of those times were I tried not to get caught up in all that we missed in those 6 1/2 years, but enjoy the moments we have.

I also found myself thinking of his birth parents a lot this week. I pray that some how they have a sense of peace, that some how they can feel how much we love Logan. How brave he has been these past few months...leaving all that he knew and trusting these total strangers enough to come home with us and begin a new life.

Everyday he opens up more and more. He is happy, healthy, outgoing and so smart. He lights up a room with his smile and easy going personality. He is so full of promise, he masters anything he sets out to do.

As we continue to settle into our new family dynamics, it is so evident that God created this child to be ours.

Happy Birthday little man. We love you!

1 comment:

Keri said...

Happy birthday sweet Logan! I am so glad you had a wonderful day and I hope you have many, many, more wonderful birthdays and you always remember how wonderful this first celebration was.
