A nerf warrior
Jacob, Connor and Hudson chillin'
Charlene and I with the girls
Sweet princess..Sophia, Grace, Shoa, Mia and Kira
Our sweet ride! With room to grow (:
It has been a month of firsts for us. Hudson's first birthday home, Mike's first car, Kira's first half birthday. Our first passenger van, and a visit from Auntie Charlene and the kids! Charlene got to meet Kira, Hudson and Sophia for the first time. And as always the kids took about 3 minutes to warm up and the rest of our visit was shrouded in nerf bullets and dress up clothes.
And finally, Bart and I are taking the states foster/adoption classes after a few years of Bart really feeling led to explore this option of adoption.
I won't lie, my heart is still in China. And I still want a little cleft lip boy. But, as I am SOOOO very slow at learning, it is not about what I want. It is about what God wants me to be willing to do.
Another first for us was that we were interviewed by our cities magazine about our family, and our adoption journey.
I was hesitant at first, just did not feel comfortable with being the focus of that type of attention. But, I had to realize what a great opportunity this would be to possibly encourage others to adopt.
Hopefully God will use our story to do so.
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