Friday, June 25, 2010

And they're off

Claire, Michael and Mike (Claire's dad) were dropped off at Orlando International at 6:45 Friday, 6/25. Three flights later --with plane changes/layovers in Detroit and Shanghai they'll should land in Nanning, China on Sunday morning around 1:00 AM.

Then get Sophia sometime Monday.
-- Bart


Amy Jo said...

Thanks Bart for the update!!! Praying your first couple of days sans-Claire & Mike has gone well. Tell Miss Mia that her Chatty Aunties love her and can't wait for her Mommy, brother, Grandpa and NEW SISTER to come home! Love to Miss Olivia, too!

Keri said...

Yeah Claire and gang!!! So glad you are there in the same country as Sophia!!!! Love your new haircut you skinnie minnie!!!!
