Friday, October 17, 2008

Happy Fall!

Hey ya'll!

Just wanted to share a few pictures of the kids and what they have been up to. And our ONE fall leaf we found. Not much of a change of seasons for us down here, so we get excited over the little things.

Logan and Mia are having a blast riding the bikes they received for their birthdays. School is going great for Logan. In fact.....he is adjusting so well that he had a check mark on his progress report a few weeks ago. Seems he is having trouble "controlling his verbal impulses".

TOO FUNNY!! He is talking too much in class! Remember, he has only been in the US since June!

Livy has been hard at work on her science project. A cake decorated as a plant cell! Yes, her science teacher is a bit off. And no!!!! I'm not her science teacher! She has also made squad leader for her ROTC class. It is wild to watch my girly-girl go all army on Thursdays.

Mike is off being a teenager, it is hard to get a good picture of him as he flies out the door. But, he did stop long enough to let us know that he made the teen worship band at church and his school's ROTC Rifle Team. He is really excited.

OH!!!!!!! Almost forgot... we had some testing done for Logan, and it turns out that he isn't 7. He is 5! There were many discrepancies in his paper work that led to us looking into things.

So, after a few moments of shock...we realized that we just postponed paying his college tuition by 2 years!

Hope all is well out there. I know things seem to be a little crazy these days, but it's all good. We serve a mighty God, and He is in control.

Claire and crew

1 comment:

Amy Jo said...

Love reading your updates! Thanks for posting and for sharing new pics. Your family is so beautiful! Love to all of you, Amy