Saturday, February 27, 2010

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Some of my favorite people

Zhang, 10. With China's blessing..our new daughter! She is said to be very sweet, shy and a hard worker. Hopefully home next winter.
Olivia, 14. Kind, benevolent and sweet.

Michael, 16. Quiet, sweet and an awesome guitar player.

Logan, 6. Brave, too stinkin cute, and all boy!

Mia, 4. Brilliant, beautiful,shy and always a mama's girl.

Sophia, 2 1/2....coming home soon!!! She is said to be very social, loving and not fond of sharing her candy. She is going to fit right in.

Here are some of my F A V O R I T E people in the world! Can't imagine life without them. All of the laundry, the dishes, the car pooling...and the love.

So... now that our paper chase for Sophia is over...and we thought we were settled as a family of 7... God had other plans! We have been blessed with a referral for a beautiful girl. If China gives us the o.k., we will have another daughter!

Crazy, but wonderful.
