Michael and his new guitar
Logan and Mia opening a secret santa gift from the Strand family
Logan and Michael
Logan and Mia at his class party
Logan and Mia at his class party
Our kiddos, can't wait for next year...Sophia will fit great in that space
Logan, Mia, A and J, Isaiah, Kaleb and Josiah
Logan, Mia, A and J, Isaiah, Kaleb and Josiah
Wishing everyone a wonderful Christmas, and a happy and healthy New Year.
Amazing how fast the holiday season sneaks up on me every year. It isn't like the dates change,or I don't get plenty of heads up with the Christmas decor out around town.
But, every year Thanksgiving and Christmas seem to be here before I know it. Maybe it is because we really never have a fall, much less winter down here. I grew up in the north, so swimming in October is still surreal to me. So no change of seasons, or big dip in temps to clue me in.
Or, it could just be that I am loosing my edge as I get older.
But, with God's grace..everything was done, wrapped and ready to go on time.
I know that this holiday is not truely about the gifts, the decorations, parties or getting the perfect photo for your card. It is a time of celebrating the birth of our Lord, Jesus.
But every year I find myself struggling to not be a Martha and striving to be a Mary. To not get caught up in the world's expectations of how to celebrate, but always working on the ability to put that aside, sit at the feet of Jesus and soak Him in.
I am a work in progress, and so thankfull that He loves us regardless of our short commings
Hope that this New Year is one filled with peace, love and joy.