Thursday, May 29, 2008

Travel Dates!!!

Oh yeah! Go God!!!

We received our travel plans today. We are leaving for China on June 13th and will be coming home on June 27th.

Mike is especially excited that we will be spending a few hours in the Tokyo airport during a lay over. He has always wanted to visit the home of his passion.....Japanese drift driving cars. Not sure he'll see any from inside, but it will be fun to watch him try.

We also received the great news that Logan has been given his care package, and will be told that his forever family is coming to bring him home soon.

So, with the official clock is on to packing!


Monday, May 26, 2008


TA!!!! TA!!!!!

What a wonderful way to start off our Memorial Day week end. We spent our time fishing, swimming and celebrating a great friend's birthday...Happy Birthday Matt!

As we were headed out of town to go camping with friends, we received THE call from our agency!!! We have our long awaited travel approval, and will be heading to China on June 13th! Give or take a day or so.

So, thank you God....this was our last get-a-way without Logan. We are so ready to go and bring him home.

It is just so amazing how your heart can long for someone that you have not met in person. But you know every line of their face, and you know that child is yours. Giving birth or not giving birth, it doesn't matter. Neither does race, color or creed. A child is such a gift from God, and I can't believe that He has blessed us with four of his children to love and care for.

I am also so thankful that God has given me such a wonderful country to live and raise our family in. A place where a child can grow up to be anything he/she desires to be regardless of their social cast in society.

Pretty awesome.


Sunday, May 18, 2008

Just hangin' out

Love the week end!

I didn't risk bodily injury rushing to the phone each time it rang! But, tomorrow is Monday....and day 18 of the wait for our TA. I'll be back in the rush zone.

But it was a great and relaxing few days. We celebrated Bart's birthday, hit the pool, and just hung out.

Oh! We did get an AMAZING gift this week end. Through the wonders of the internet, and God's goodness, I managed to find the yahoo group for Logan's orphanage. Through this group, I have chatted with two wonderful ladies who have met our little man!!! They were in China last year bringing home their sons, and it seems our 3 boys were best friends! They shared some pictures of Logan with their boys, and said that he is a sweet boy. It was sooooo good to hear about him!!!!


Monday, May 12, 2008

Earthquake in China

Well, for news is good news.

We have heard from fellow America World families in Guangzhou, China today, and all is well there.
They felt nothing from the earthquake. But, please join with us is praying for the people in the Sichuan province, especially the cities of Chengdu and Wenchuan.

Regardless of how one might feel about the government of China, the people are truly wonderful.


Saturday, May 10, 2008

Traveling soon!


Please join us as we begin another amazing journey, bringing home our new son Logan.

It is with overwhelming joy that we announce that we are soon to be a family of 6!

In December of 06, we traveled to China to bring home our little girl, Mia. It was a trip that changed our hearts forever. She is a complete joy and we realize just how much she was created to be ours.

During that trip, Bart and I both knew that we would return to China someday to bring home another child. And....that some day is coming soon. We are planning to travel again this June.

Our little man, Logan, is 6 1/2 years old and is living in an orphanage in Guangzhou, China. He has been there since his 4th month of life. He is said to be very friendly,outgoing and energetic. Loves cars and playing outside. The referral also said that he is very good at self care, and can make up his own bed. Maybe he can teach that to my other 3!

We would be honored to have ya'll join us on our travels.


Bart, Claire, Mike, Livy and Mia